I'm surprised this baby hasn't gotten locked.
I'm surprised this baby hasn't gotten locked.
i was going to post this yesterday and then hesitated.
i read johnathan's essay (so lovely) and thought this one would very much be enjoyed also.
my daughter, alexa, 20 years old (3rd year at cu) is getting ready to circle the world in a semester at sea.
Nice to see such a broad world view from such a young writer. Also nice that she didn't name JW's. A high-control religion is a high-control religion. Doesn't matter what particluar brand it is.
om (posting from torn in two son's account)
it has been over a month and a half since i have even been on the board, and that really only to ask about gps units (got a tom-tom) and mention the new job.
way too busy with life - post jw now 4 years.. of course, the new job has benefits, health insurance, etc.
(including unlimited use of the company car for personal use and the company pays for the unlimited gas for about a $25/week out of my check -- huge benefit) and this has enabled toni and i to finally after a two year engagement, to get married.
Congratulations Snakes!!!!
(Open Mind using Torn's account since he's monopolizing the 'puter tonight)
is this the best of all possible worlds?.
if it isn't, wouldn't that be the best possible proof that a benevolent and all-powerful deity had nothing to do with creating it?.
if a loving and benevolent creator was going to create a world--why make one with a built-in self-destruct mechanism??.
"This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it." - John Adams
people who leave the wts have to decide what to do with jesus and the bible.. for an interesting read defending the bible's accounts of jesus from an evangelical perspective, i recommend lee strobel's 1998 book the case for christ.. strobel is a former atheist who used to be a journalist for the chicago tribune.. he later become a protestant pastor.. no, i don't get any money from sales of the book; in fact, you can probably get a copy free through your local library system.. in order to help you decide whether or not you'd be interested in this book, here are the titles of the chapters:.
part 1: examining the record.
chapter 1: the eyewitness evidence: can the biographies of jesus be trusted?.
Once you've finished "The Case for Christ", you can begin reading,
(By David Fitzgerald)
I'm sure you'd be interested. It's a provocative read.
say hello to ark encounter.. .
kentucky governor unveils plans for creationist theme park complete with full-sized ark.
.. a joint project between beshear and answers in genesis -- a christian organization that also built a similar attraction, the creation museum -- the park will reportedly cost at least $150 million and create 900 jobs, according to the news release.. beshear's spokesperson kerri richardson declined to comment beyond what was in her office's news release on the project.. the amusement park, named ark encounter, will include all the modern recreation amenities, including: a full-sized wooden ark, a "walled city much like was found in ancient times, a replica of the tower of babel with exhibits, a first-century middle eastern village" and even outdoor parking.
I suppose if they wanted to be really accurate, the park cannot have toilets. Large dirt pits may suffice.
I'd like to see an exhibition of the termites on the ark.
For the sake of accuracy, all food must be hunted and/or gathered by the guests.
It would be forever entertaining to see park golf carts whizz by a "first-century" style village.
While reports of it began only in 1817, I can only assume that cholera was prevalent at the time, meaning that fairly 30% of visitors must be infected before visiting.
I think as a park activity, there should be sick people in the middle of an arena, with Christians on one side, and Muslims on the other. At the mark, nonstop praying should begin to see who's God heals who's sick people first. Losers must be executed.
introduction to daniel - for fun and prophet.
when i was a dubbie, i considered reading the bible books to be a major and boring chore, mainly because i was required to believe all that stuff i was reading.
trying to make sense out of nonsense is always a frustrating chore.
Gotta love that wacky Christian Bible.
Chapter 2 of Daniel sounds suspiciously similar to...
everything is just swell in afghanistan.
a couple nights ago i was stumbling, (and stumbling, and stumbling) on stumbleupon and came upon this beauty.. .
Everything is just swell in Afghanistan. A couple nights ago I was stumbling, (and stumbling, and stumbling) on stumbleupon and came upon this beauty.
New Afghanistan Law says that within in a married couple that the man can demand sex from his wife every four days. Whether she likes it or not. So here we have a law that has legalized rape.
Brilliant Afghanistan. Brilliant.
before i get to the gem in this week's tms, let me let any of you newbies here up to date with us jdubs and schooling.
in the february 22, 2002 watchtower, the wtbts released the article titled "how my dream was fullfilled".
it was one of many typical jw stories of a good devout jdub "resisting temptation" and accepting the borg as absolute truth.
Finals week for torn in two here. Today was the last day, and after school I asked my JDubya friend (who is unaware of my conversion to atheism) about what he thought of evolution. I asked what he thought about the evidence that the WTBTS neglected to mention in some of their newer materials like "The Origin Of Life" blantantly stating that evolution due to a lack of evidence, "has no explanation for the origin of life."
I asked what he thought about the fossil record and how scientists use radiometric dating to determine the age of fossils and the rocks in the Earth.
His response? "C'mon [torn], you know what those fossils are right? Those fossils are just decayed bones left behind from the flood."
I halfway blame JDubs for this. Halfway the school system. We need to get our act together.
before i get to the gem in this week's tms, let me let any of you newbies here up to date with us jdubs and schooling.
in the february 22, 2002 watchtower, the wtbts released the article titled "how my dream was fullfilled".
it was one of many typical jw stories of a good devout jdub "resisting temptation" and accepting the borg as absolute truth.
Whoops! Don't have a college degree yet. I did the math wrong, and ran it through again:
7500000 x 0.047 = 352,500
352 thousand! Worldwide! Amazing yet depressing.